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How to scan barcodes using Bluetooth, USB or wireless scanners
Configuring the scanner
To scan barcodes using Bluetooth or USB scanners, the scanner should support the keyboard wedge functionality.
When you scan a barcode with a keyboard wedge-capable scanner, the data that is encoded in the barcode goes into the computer through the keyboard port so that it appears to whatever software is running in the computer as if it were being typed in on the keyboard. In effect, the barcode scanner behaves like a second keyboard connected to the computer.
Ensure that the scanner is configured to send scans wherever you position or focussed the cursor. If the scanner supports it, get it configured to use/simulate “tab” or “enter” keyboard strokes.
Using scanned data with the tables
On pages where new records can be added, and barcode scanning is supported, click on the Add New Records button, then choose Use A Bluetooth/USB Scanner option.
On the pop-up that appears, position the cursor on the Barcode/NFC Tag scan field, then proceed with the scan.
After that, choose an Action, then submit the form.
Using scanned data with the spreadsheet
From the Bluetooth/USB scanners page, first, select the Service from the dropdown option.
After that, focus your cursor on the Barcode/NFC Tag field, then proceed with the scanning.
Processed scans will be shown on the spreadsheet.
Fill out any relevant details on it, then save it.