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Working With Square Inventory

Ventipix Asset & Inventory Manager platform enables you to manage inventory in your Square account.

You can create, update, delete, and make inventory adjustments. Data will be synced between both platforms depending on your preferences.

To get started, you should first connect your account to Square then configure your syncing settings.

Configuring Square Settings

Go to the Square Settings page and fill out the form displayed with your desired settings.

Location settings

Choose the active locations that will require inventory tracking.

Note :

  • The chosen locations will automatically be used as the Location options in your Inventory data capture settings.
  • When importing or creating inventory, the platform will create a separate record for each item being created or imported, and for each location.
  • Three custom fields named Square ID, Square Variant ID, and Square Version, will be created in your Inventory data capture settings. These custom fields are used internally by the app and should not be deleted as long as syncing with Square is needed.
  • Only these custom fields can be synced: Unit Price, Product Name, Product Description, SKU, Reorder Point, Location and Quantity.
Inventory adjustment settings

With Square inventory, when reducing inventory quantities, they can either be marked as sold or waste.

On the other hand, when incrementing inventory quantities they can only be marked as in stock.

Choose which inventory adjustments should be synced.

Inventory attribute changes settings

Choose the desired syncing options when inventories are created, updated, or deleted.

Importing Square inventory data

From the Manage Inventory page, click on the Add New Records button, then choose Import From Square in the menu that will be displayed.

Once you’ve done that, and followed further prompts, if displayed, all your inventory will be shown on the Manage Inventory table.

Setting up Square Inventory Variants

From the Data Capture page, go to Options > Add Attributes.

On the new page, fill out the form by entering a descriptive title. This title will be used to identify the set of attributes and their associated options.

Thereafter, enter the attributes labeled “Name” and “SKU“. This part is important.

In the “Name” row, under the Options column, enter the variant names, separated by commas. For example, “Color, Size“.

For the “SKU” row, leave the Options column blank.

Once you’ve defined your attributes, go back to the Data Capture page then choose “Attributes” as the Answer Type.

Afterward, when filling out the forms to add inventory data to your account, you will be presented with a button named “Add Attributes“.

Click on it, then choose the attribute that was set up. The applicable form fields will then be displayed.

When importing data, for an inventory that has multiple variants, enter the same “Product Name”, whenever the form is being saved, and use the variant fields to distinguish them.
