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Field Change Notification For Inventories
This notification type can be used for sending inventory email alerts whenever values from specified custom fields get changed.
For example, emails can be sent whenever an inventory’s price has been changed.
Setting up or modifying the notification
To set it up, go to the Manage Inventory table > Options > Notifications.
On the Notifications page, choose Field Change Event.
Choose who should receive the email notifications.
- You can enter the email addresses, under the “The following email addresses” section, if the recipients are the same for all the inventories.
- If the recipients are different for specific inventories, then you need to have their emails recorded on the inventory’s record. To do so, you need a Data Capture field with the Answer Type set to either “Email”, “Select” or “Hidden”. For “Select” or “Hidden” Answer Types, specify the email address in the Options section of the Data Capture settings. “Hidden” Answer Type, can only have one email address, whereas “Select” can have multiple emails defined, but only one will be chosen when filling out the forms.
Choose which fields the app should monitor for changes.
Compose the message. Use the placeholders if necessary.
Enabling or disabling the notification
Indicate if the notifications should be sent or not. This setting is what you would also use to turn the notifications on or off.