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QR Code Marketing Campaign Reports

QR Code marketing reports, based on users’ privacy consent, include the number of scans made, their uniqueness and their trends; scan location that can be precise or approximate; and the attributes of the scanning device.

These reports can be generated for individual campaigns or for those that belong to a campaign group.

Viewing QR Code Marketing Reports

To view the QR code campaign reports available in your account, from the respective Manage QR Code Campaigns table, go to the individual campaign’s Action > View Reports menu option.

Alternatively, to view aggregate reports from a group, go to the Campain Groups table, then under a group’s Actions menu, go to the Reports option.

To generate custom interactive visualization reports, the option to use Power BI and Looker Studio are available.

Exporting QR Code Campaign Reports

QR Code campaign reports can also be exported to CSV files.

For collective reports, from the Options menu on the table, go to the Export Reports option.

For an individual campaign report, from the campaign’s Action menu, go to the Export Reports option.
