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Digital Passes for Google and Apple Wallets or NFC Wearables
You can generate workplace passes that can be saved on people’s Google and Apple wallets or as NFC wearables. Passes saved on Google and Apple wallets are saved as QR codes which the app can read both on the web and smartphone app.
These passes identify a person and can be used to attribute records along with their profile, for example employees, contractors, visitors, etc.
For the identification, you can supply unique values that gets encoded onto the QR code and NFC tags, or let the app assign random unique values. With NFC, the serial ID of the tag can also be used.
Creating Workplace Passes
From the web app
In you web account, go to the Workplace Passes page.
Under the Add New Records options, you will be presented with two options for adding pass data to your account.
Adding a Single Record
When adding a single record, you will need to fill out a form. This form is customizable, so you can add extra custom fields to capture relevant data.
Importing Multiple Records
When importing multiple records, you will need to upload a CSV file with the columns arranged as shown in the import template.
From the smartphone app
Once logged into the smartphone app, go to the Services page, then scroll to the Workplace Passes section.
Under this section, tap on the Person Identifier option. On the screen that follows tap on the floating (+) button.
Viewing Workplace Passes
From the web app
From the Workplace Passes table, under the Actions column, click on the View option.
From the smartphone app
Go to the Services page, then scroll to the Workplace Passes section.
Under this section, tap on the Person Identifier option.
Under Scan Passes on QR Codes or NFC Tags, scan the QR code from the digital wallet apps or NFC tag wearable.
Associating a Workplace Pass profile with other records
You can associate a workplace place with other records such as checked-out assets, reserved assets, etc.
You can also view the records associated with a workplace pass and use the data when filling out forms.
For the service you want the record association to be made, you first need to create a Person Identifier custom field.
Once the custom field has been created, from either the web or smartphone app, when viewing a profile, go to the record association section.
Choose the service where you have set up the Person Identifier custom field, then follow further prompts shown.
Recording Workplace Pass attendance
In cases where you need to know if someone is present in a particular place, you can capture the date and time by scanning the pass and clicking or tapping on the Capture Attendance Date & Time option. This feature is available on both the web and the smartphone app. With the web app, you can scan the workplace QR code using a webcam.
Historical captured date and times are also available for viewing.
On the web app, from the Workplace Passes table, go to Options > Attendance History.
On the smartphone app, from the Workplace Passes section tap on Attendance History.
Individual attendance history is available when viewing the user’s profile.
Saving Workplace Passes
After a profile has been created, or when viewing a previously created one, there are options to save the passes to the users’ devices.
The passes can be emailed to the users. In the email, there will be links for saving the pass to Google Pay or Apple Wallet.
If the user is with you, you can show them the QR code for them to scan and save the pass directly to their device.
With NFC, follow the instructions shown to program the identifier to the tag.